It is hard as a woman to not be a fixer. To take on all the emotional labor of relationships and want to maintain them 100% even when the other person is not present, available or even giving an inkling that they care about the relationship. All relationships take work - romantic, platonic, friendships, family, etc. All take time, attention, and work. I've noticed in my own life that I will so quickly sacrifice myself, ignore my own needs, and even deny myself to maintain a relationship. And this comes to my own detriment. And relationships that maybe should've fizzled out and ended are kept going by the fumes of my own broken heart and battered mind. And quite frankly, we deserve better.
One of the biggest forms of empowerment comes in honoring your ability and autonomy of choice. Many times I believe we as women are so scared of what consequences of other's people choice we immediately default to becoming "fixers" and "negotiators". If someone wants to burn a bridge, let them. Allow them their autonomy and their choice. Take it as a sign that it is time to move towards other bridges and pastures in your life that need your attention and care. You can grieve the loss. You can be sad. But don't dwell. Don't stay. Don't try to rebuild what another destroyed. That was your sign.
Every time I have honored another's choice and their autonomy, my life is better for it. I found the places that honored my energy, time, person, and love. I found the spaces where I really belonged. We are past repairing what others have chosen to break. We are moving into spaces that deserve our attention. I hope you find encouragement in this today. After talking to Miss G it felt like the perfect way to showcase her images from her Smolder Session. If you are ready to book a session of your own, I'd love to speak to you!
Until next time, let the bridges burn!