If there is one thing in life that is consistent it is change. We as humans grow and become different. Our bodies are no exception. But there are moments where we have been trained to fight and abhor these changes. We are told that even as we age we lose our "value" and our "beauty". Watching my dear friend go through growing life in her womb, give birth, and now raise a beautiful human, her body has carried her through so much. It performed a miracle by all rights.
And yet this world will tell her that now her body is not as viable or worthwhile than before. That because she might have tiger stripes, because she might have a little extra skin, she is not as beautiful and not as worthy of love. I want to tell each person who has grown life within their bodies and given birth, your body is incredible and deserves just as much love as it ever has. You are beautiful. And it's time to reclaim that beauty and power.
It's time to look at what you have done, what you have brought into this world, and learn to love the body that allowed you to do this. I love that Miss A told me that these photos are really helping her celebrate and learn to love the after of her pregnancy, birth, and subsequent raising of her child. I want that to be the same for you. If you need space to learn to love The After then I'm here ready and waiting for you. Send me a message and let's plan your session.
Until next time, please enjoy this exquisite morning I had the honor of spending with Miss A.