Featuring the stunning Miss E

There is something so incredible when a woman reaches out and says "I know exactly what I want!" Miss E wrote me nervous, not because she herself was lacking in confidence, but because the vision she had she felt might "scare people off". Her requirements were - nude, hiding nothing about herself, and showing off her confidence. Plus she wanted to be able to use the images for her brand new business she was starting. Empowering a woman who wants to empower other women? Let me tell you I JUMPED!

We spent an afternoon listening to Lizzo, laughing, and making pure fire. At one point after seeing the back of the camera she said, "Why do we hide ourselves? Why are we so ashamed of our bodies? Do you see how amazing I look?" That has stuck with me since her session. And her confidence and bad assery? I think I walked away from this session more empowered than her.

Miss E had this to say about her experience and images:

Thank you for giving me a place to display my beauty and for showing up with respect. Not once did you act surprise or emphasize on my confidence for being big, you treated me like a human, and I can’t thank you enough for that! Regardless of your size, no one wants to be treated like a piece of meat and told ‘wow you’re brave’ for just being you. Being beautiful is SOOO much deeper than a body. You’re one of the real ones!

Your session is about and for you. These images are *your* images. If you are ready to book your session, and get the images you want, get in touch! But until then, please enjoy the absolutely bad ass and beautiful Miss E!